This is what you were meant to do! Life's circumstances have taken you down a different path, but at McVean Incubator Farm we can help you find your way back to your true calling!
Program Details
Test Marketer
This is the first stage of our program. Our innovative approach focuses on the sales side of the farm business first. This allows farmers to start developing their market and generating sales using produce from the onsite farm. This relieves the pressure of learning how to grow large quantities of good quality produce and marketing them at the same time.
Test Cropper
In the second stage of the program, Test Croppers receive a small plot of land so they can continue to develop their growing skills. They continue to access produce from the onsite farm and continue to collaborate with other farmers to generate sales and grow their markets.
Start-up Farmer
In the third and final stage, Start-up farmers get access to larger plots of land and and have acquired the tools and skills they need to manage their land. They are increasingly able to grow significant volumes of produce economically. They now have well-established markets and sales channels and are well-positioned for a successful farming career.
Test Marketer
Designed for novice to beginner farmer
This is the first stage of our program. Our innovative approach focuses on the sales side of the farm business first. This allows farmers to start developing their market and generating sales using produce from the onsite farm. This relieves the pressure of learning how to grow large quantities of good quality produce and marketing them at the same time.
Prerequisites : none
Time commitment : 5 hrs per week
Assigned land : None
Success Criteria : Generate $1000 in sales
Cost : none
Test Cropper
Designed for the beginner to intermediate farmer
In the second stage of the program, Test Croppers receive a small plot of land so they can continue to develop their growing skills. They continue to access produce from the onsite farm and continue to collaborate with other farmers to generate sales and grow their markets.
Prerequisites : none
Time commitment : 16 hrs per week during the growing season
Assigned land: 1000 square feet
Success Criteria : Generate $2000 in sales, well maintained plot (neatness, weed management)
Cost : $975 Includes bed preparation, compost amendment, deer fence, rabbit fence, water, drip pipe.
Start-up Farmer
Designed for the intermediate to experienced farmer
In the third and final stage, Start-up farmers get access to larger plots of land and and have acquired the tools and skills they need to manage their land. They are increasingly able to grow significant volumes of produce economically. They now have well-established markets and sales channels and are well-positioned for a successful farming career.
Prerequisites : One year as a Test Cropper
Time commitment : 30 hrs per week during the growing season
Assigned land: 0.5 - 3 acres
Cost : $975 Includes bed preparation, compost amendment, deer fence, rabbit fence, water, drip pipe.